Degree Works is a web-based, 学位审核和跟踪工具,使学生和顾问能够根据大学和专业要求评估毕业前的学术进展. 

任何教程或常见问题解答中没有回答的问题,可以直接到 .

Training for Students and Advisors

Training for Advisors Only


A Degree Works Audit is a review of past, 当前和当前注册的课程,提供完成学位/主修/辅修所需的已完成和未完成的要求的信息.

  • Go to .
  • Click the Banner Web tab then login to secure area
  • Enter your Username [This is your 9-digit student number]
  • Enter your 6-digit PIN .
    • If this is your first time on BannerWeb, your PIN will be your birth date in the format: MMDDYY . 第一次登录后,系统会提示您输入新的密码
  • Click Login
  • Select the  Student Services and Financial Aid tab
  • Select the Degree Works link

  • Go to .
  • Click the  Banner Web  tab then login to secure area
  • Enter your  Username  [This is your 9-digit student number]
  • Enter your 6-digit  PIN .
    • If this is your first time on Banner Web, your  PIN  will be your birth date in the format:  MMDDYY . 第一次登录后,系统会提示您输入新的密码
  • Click  Login
  • Select the  Faculty Services tab
  • Select the  Student Menu link
  • Select the  Degree Works  link

学位工作是一个工具,以帮助您规划和跟踪你的进步,朝着你的学位. A transcript is your official university record. 你的审核不是你的成绩单,也不是你完成要求的正式通知.

At least four times a semester. You should review your Audit at the following times: 1. Before you meet with your advisor. 2. 在您注册后,确保课程符合您的要求(审核每天早上刷新,从前一天早上起发生的变化)。. 3. After your grades are posted. 4. Any time you make changes to your schedule. It’s important to review your Audit frequently, 尤其是在你安排课程或拿到成绩之前和之后. 这有助于确保你选择正确的课程,并按时毕业. Remember, 改变你的课程安排或完成一门低于最低要求的课程可能会影响你的学位进展.

学位工作将自动打开到您审计的学生视图. Your graduation requirements are organized into blocks, based on type (Ex: core curriculum, math and science, leadership curriculum, major, general electives, etc.). 这些模块总结在你的学位模块审计的顶部. As you look at requirements, click on the course number to view more information, such as prerequisites, course descriptions and section information.

Courses that are either Failed (F), Failed due to non attendance (WF or WN), Incomplete (I), No Credit (NC) or Withdrawn (W).


Courses that you have taken and passed, but do not count towards your degree, and courses you are excused from taking. Keep in mind that if you have multiple majors declared, these courses may count towards your other declared major(s). 任何例外的请求都必须通过你的学术部门提出.

Contact your academic department. 在课程例外/替代被批准并申请到审计后,注册办公室将直接给学生发电子邮件.

Audits update every morning around 4 a.m.

查看屏幕上方你名字旁边的学术项目信息. 你会注意到“学术项目”框有一个下拉框. Use this to select your other major(s).


Many requirements in Degree Works are concentration-driven. 如果你没有申报专业,你需要在一站式中心正式申报缺失的专业/专业/辅修.

您可以通过其他两种方式查看审计-注册检查表或毕业检查表. 要更改视图,请从格式下拉列表中选择一个选项,然后选择View按钮. 注册清单显示了您仍然需要学习的课程的简明列表. 毕业清单是学生视图的一个浓缩、快速但不太详细的视图.

教师和工作人员谁建议你可以定期做笔记有关注册, transfer courses, future term plans, etc. 这些信息是为了帮助你和你可能在学术上合作的其他人. 任何在Degree Works中有权访问您的记录的人都可以查看那里显示的笔记.

Yes. Degree Works is accessed through your secure Banner Web log in. Advisors, 教师和选定的工作人员也可以访问,以支持您在学术生涯中的进步. 你的学位工作审核是你的教育记录的一部分,受家庭教育权利和隐私法案(FERPA)的保护。. As with any other personal information that you access online, 在离开公用电脑前,应确保登出你的帐户.

“如果”功能可以让学生看到他们之前修过的课程如何适用于不同的专业或辅修. 如果你要申请的学位需要申报,一定要注明具体的专业.

学期GPA计算器将显示学生在填写假设的成绩信息后的估计累积GPA. 通过输入他们当前获得的学分和GPA,并将正在进行的课程与当前课程的预期成绩一起放在表格中(这些都是默认的), 学生将根据所提供的估计看到修订后的累积GPA. GPA计算器不考虑利记sbo的留级政策.

Look-Ahead功能允许学生输入一个课程列表,并查看他们可能应用于审计的位置. It is a great tool to use as part of the registration process. 学生在注册之前就可以看到课程的使用情况.

Your first point of contact should be your academic advisor. 如果你的顾问无法解决你的问题,他们将联系注册主任办公室的相关人员. You may also submit e-mail questions to